.18 Derringer

I think this card is ridiculous. Seems to me like some serious power creep has been introduced with the investigator decks, and this is a prime example of it. All previous survivor weapons have followed an archetype. They're potentially powerful but all come with major drawbacks. Baseball Bat takes two hand slots and can break at any time, Fire Axe only gives extra damage when you burn through all your resources, Meat Cleaver requires you to take horror to trigger the extra damage and only gives a meaningful fight boost when you're already riding the sanity line, Old Hunting Rifle can jam. They're all good, but you need to take the rough with the smooth. This is nothing like any of those weapons. There is no rough. It's insanely overpowered for 2xp.

2 resources to put it into play, +2 fight for +1 damage and not only do you get your bullet back if you miss, doing so also makes it easier to hit next time. So this is 2xp and 2 resources for a guarantee of 6 damage. No other card in the game offers that kind of value. Oh, and this comes in the survivor class where it can easily be recovered from the discard pile and played again. I honestly don't see why any survivor except maaaybe Wendy would ever leave this out of their decks. It's the ultimate auto-include.

I think it will prove to have been a mistake to start releasing obviously OP cards like this. It smacks of an attempt to cash in. The starter decks are pitched as being aimed at new players but I'm willing to bet it'll mostly be experienced players who buy them so they can their hands on cards like this one.

Sassenach · 179
Most experienced players are collectors who buy everything anyway, or at least attempt to, so "attempt to cash in" is kind of a wacky comment, especially when so many of the now Taboo cards are from the *Core Set*. — Soloclue · 2604
I agree that this card is way better than previous survivor weapons but I think that needed to happen. It is very difficult to build a consistent Silas deck that can be the groups main fighter. — Someguy11 · 1
It's clearly OP. This needs to not give the up front +2 and either make it a +1 or make it a +0 and give the followup a +2. I think that makes it a bit less just straight OP. Probably the latter due to the ammo being saved. The taboo cards from the core set is because they were just getting into their design paradigm. This seems clearly like it's back to the old core tabooed design it's basically a guaranteed 6 damage. — LikeWise · 1
well if you compare strictly numbers on the card, its a very very powerful weapon for sure. But don't forget it is also only available to investigators who doesn't do that much fighting. So I don't think it's OP in that sense. I mean its super great in a Yorrick deck... but does it makes Yorrick OP ? nah... — GWItheUltimate · 1
I like that it fits into a different archetype, since most survivor weapons prior to this were of the "do more for less" variety, while the .18 Derringer is a card that plays into the Survivor's ability to "mitigate failure". The problem, if there is one, is that it the two XP you spend on the upgraded version here buys you a lot. Most other weapons with a decent base version get + 1 ammo, or - 1 cost, or +1 fight, alongside a minor or moderate special effect. The .18 Derringer here gets - 1 cost *and* + 1 ammo *and* its special effect gives you a conditional +1 fight. That — RichardUptonDeckman · 33
That is a really good deal! It's in the territory of cards like Blackjack and Switchblade, which were pretty poor level 0 cards, and I don't think .18 Derringer (0) is poor. It doesn't help that a 2-shot, 3-cost gun becoming a 3-shot, 2-cost gun feels like such a dramatic change when adding 1 ammo and losing 1 cost - it's super-efficient! It's not totally out of the realms of the design space, however... some of the 3 XP upgrades on level 0 weapons are this good or better. There's also the fact that while this is certainly a great little gun, it doesn't do anything particularly spectacular - Survivors have always been able to pay down two resources and swing at +2 Fight for 2 damage a hit. This lets you do it one handed, and with a higher floor on your effect, but it's still got a lower than ceiling than baseball bat, which can hit four or more times with a bit of luck and/or a Will to Survive turn. — RichardUptonDeckman · 33
Try to play this "op" on expert, and u change ur opinion after streak of misses — Rentgen · 1
Delilah O'Rourke

Protip: enemies exhaust after attacking during the enemy phase. As such, you may want to trigger her during the player windows that occur before the readying of the enemies, namely between steps 3.3 and 3.4, and between 4.1 and 4.2

jd9000 · 73
This comment right here. hot damn. — Difrakt · 1304
Good point, though it’s hard to setup if the target didn’t spawn at your location or you engage another investigators enemy with your last action — Django · 5107
Sry i meant if the target DID spawn at your location. — Django · 5107
the problem with this is that somebody needs to be taking an attack for this to work. admittedly taking hits isn't that big of a deal, but i don't think you need to for Delilah to be good. that being said, guardian Tony can take Dodge, and probably likes the static +1 combat Delilah gives him. — Zinjanthropus · 229
Boxing Gloves

At first glance, boxing gloves seem almost offensively bad. Compare them to machete: One fewer hand slot, +1 damage, and the same boost to attack, at the cost of some draw power? Of course, Spirit events are quite common in Guardian (with Stand Together being the best, perhaps), but with Boxing Gloves it's extremely important to consider the opportunity cost of two hand slots. Barring some Bandolier shenanigans, you aren't going to be dealing more than 1 damage with non-event attacks. This game is balanced around dealing 2 damage with those attacks, so you're going to need to play +damage events or skills whenever you need to fight. And with the Guardian's notorious lack of early economy... event based fighting doesn't seem particularly good outside of Nathaniel Cho.

This game is balanced around dealing 2+ damage per attack. I have a feeling that even Cho is going to want to grab Machete or Enchanted Blade and leave the Gloves behind.

dichromate · 11
I think the "+1 while fighting" is super interesting; as the other review notes, it improves your other weapons' fight actions (let's ignore the flavor implications there). Still clunky, but very interesting. — SGPrometheus · 821
Nope! — MrGoldbee · 1470
Granny Orne

On tap micro Lucky!. Once per turn. Helps your friends too. Holy moly this chick is up there with the very best allies in the game and by far the hottest girl on campus!

Lucky! is historically among the most useful "deck grease" cards in the game, it makes you better at everything and anything and since playing it is an afterthough it gives you a LOT of leeway to either depend on it to cover the really harsh tokens or to try and beat a test you have no business beating in the first place.

Granny Orne is expensive for a card, the faction doesnt typically require you to gather resources and many characters can coast by by the merit of their natural gains, playing Orne means you need to hold off on playing too many 2-3 cost events like "Look what I found!", Trial by Fire and weapon assets like Meat Cleaver, Ornate Bow and Timeworn Brand become the sort of financial pain that characters typically deal with.

Thankfully,Granny Orne is worth the cost. An on-tap mini-lucky to effectively raise any skill retroactively by 1 is a brilliant ability, and she also sports a defensive boost to and greatly buffs clue-power (effectively by +2 while her ability is unused). All of a suddent a Yorick is clue-ing low shroud spots as though his were 4 and Wendy is clueing like a 5 seeker before accounting for any items she might be using.

I think its fair to say that Orne will be replacing Peter Sylvestre in decks that dont actively depend on Pete's horror regeneration, since the + is objectively better than a + for most characters, the micro-Luckies will easily make up for the added cost and lack of +.

P.S. To whom it hasnt occurred yet, the ability to get a -1 may open the window to play stuff like Eucatastrophe.

Tsuruki23 · 2552
-1 can also give you an extra card dig with Rabbit's Foot 3 — Zinjanthropus · 229
So, I'm pretty sure that you could use Granny's ability and Lucky on the same test to get a monstrous +3. This means that if you're taking tests at +1, you can actually succeed on all but the autofail (in most starting bags. Not TFA, obvs). That's nuts. Combine it with Wendy's ability and you basically don't need to boost. — Zinjanthropus · 229
Nope. It doesn't open the window to play Eucatastrophe, since Euc requires the TOKEN to reduce your skill value to 0 (which is in Step 5). Granny Orne triggers in Step 6, and while you could use her to reduce your Skill value to 0, that would be HER doing that, not the token. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
Granny just nuts. She's like +1 to stats of all people at her location while her ability is ready. She's also great with dark horse and 1-2 seals of the elder sign on lola. — Django · 5107
Pair with Motivational Speech in Yorick. — MrGoldbee · 1470

The actual strengths/weaknesses of this card have been articulated very well in other reviews. However, this card does something that I think many players will actually enjoy and value that isn't necessarily to do with how powerful your deck is.

I'm a pretty casual player, and I often find myself trying to make a deck being aware of the strong cards. However, at the same time I also really want to try out a different theme or some new interesting cards without knowingly gimping the deck too much. For example, I might be looking at a mystic deck with some core spell assets, but I do really want to try out some of the less common event spells too. However, deck slots are scarce and I run out of space for the fun cards. Sure, I could really figure out a deck without the staples and roll with it, and there's great fun in the challenge of that. But other times it's nice just to have the staples AND some fun stuff, particularly as someone who doesn't actually play the game lots and so has fewer opportunities to try things out.

Versatile allows me to get more cards for fun things like this, even though yes this is actually generally a downside to the card. (Admittedly, being co-op I could always house rule higher card limits, but I like playing to the rules to be honest).

The second thing it does is let you take any level 0 card. This may not be super powerful but can be nicely thematic and flavourful and add to the narrative, which is something that I think some players will get a kick out of. Perhaps Joe Diamond likes a cheeky swig from a bottle of Liquid Courage. Or maybe Ursula Downs never goes on an expedition without her trusty Survival Knife. Or maybe Nathaniel Cho just gets a bit vicious sometimes and uses a Baseball Bat. I think these options would appeal to some players and it's nice to have cards the enable this kind of thing.

Octo · 96
This is a great point, and why I like the card. I like to try out new cards and not run the same things over and over again. Also, when building a deck, I don't like to include cards that just don't make sense with the character. Why would Diana have a Colt .32? Or a Police Badge? — dlikos · 160
That's easy. She's a member of the Silver Twilight Lodge. They're above the law and could easily obtain guns and badges from corrupt cops. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
Well pal, if you don't choose something really powerfull from another class, it will be far better trade 4 good cards for 4 funny, than pay 2 exp for excuses to use the funny ones. — Venti · 1