If I have a Summoned Servitor in-hand and one in-play, and the Dreaming Call upgrade, can I return the in-play one to my hand as the additional cost for playing the in-hand one? Or does the unique flag prevent that sort of swapping? If so can I use the in-play Summoned Servitors action(s), play the in-hand one to get a fresh Summoned Servitor, and then have the fresh Summoned Servitor do the same action(s)? Ie, if I have the Daemonic Influence upgrade and Servitor 1 Fights and Evades, then my Investigator plays Servitor 2 (removing/replacing Servitor 1), can Servitor 2 do it's own Fight and/or Evade action this turn? Normally I'd assume Servitor 1 and Servitor 2 would have their 'per turn' tracked individually, but with them being unique I'm not sure.
I'm considering running this with Dominance (remove Arcane), Eyes of Flame and Dreaming Call. All up it's 6xp to have a drone flying around either farming low Shroud locations or mopping up the last clue at mid Shroud locations that I can potentially jump back to my location for 2 resources. At a glance 6xp for two cards that will gather a handful of clues per game if deployed early/well isn't amazing, but I think the real value is in Investigating being a simple background task that the drone can perform reliably enough that it frees the actual Seeker up to do more productive Investigations. As I understand it this can't be attacked or otherwise disrupted beyond the methods of losing an asset, and since the drone is taking the action not the Investigator it won't provoke attacks of opportunity, so it seems like once it's in-play it'll be super stable.
Overall I really like the concept behind this card but it feels like Dominance and Daemonic Influence are basically mandatory and that's 7xp before it can even do anything other than slowly wandering the map.